Marie Josee Numukobwa

Sep 05, 2014Annie Lopez
Marie Josee Numukobwa is the Treasurer of Twiyubake – a banana-leaf-weaving cooperative located in Mukarange, Rwanda. 43 years old, Marie Josee is the proud mother of six children, a well-regarded health advisor in her community, and a graduate of Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Women initiative.

She is excited to serve as a Student Fellow for our soon-to-be-launched Leadership Academy, which will provide advanced business and leadership training for some of the incredible women artisans we partner with. As a Student Fellow, Marie Josee will lead weekly small discussion sessions with other students. We interviewed her to find out more about her goals for the Leadership Academy, her business, and her children’s futures. Here’s what she had to say:

What grade level did you complete in school?

6 years of Secondary School {12th grade  in the United States}

What is the most important thing you have learned from Indego Africa's education programs?

I learned how to manage and save my money, which allowed me to buy my own knitting machine. Since then, I’ve started to knit sweaters and sell them in the local markets. I want to teach the women I work with to use the machine as well so they can also earn additional income.

Why do you want to serve as a Student Fellow for the Leadership Academy?

I am interested in participating in the Leadership Academy so I can learn more about how to grow my knitting business, and so I can learn from the experiences of other students.

What are you most exciting about learning at the Leadership Academy?

I am most excited to study business management. 

Why is education important to you?

Knowledge is what will help me and my family succeed in life.

You have six children – what are your goals for their futures?

I want my children to have a better education than I had and to study hard so they can advance in their lives and better themselves.

What are your goals for your own future?

I want to grow my business on a larger scale and open my own store one day. 

Help Marie and other women access the education they need to empower themselves, their families, and their communities by donating to our Leadership Academy! 

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